Monday, September 04, 2006

O-week, work and white rock

So starting on Saturday we have had orientation week at Trinity, the university I'm going to next year. They really emphasize community and so this week is for first years to connect with other people and ease into the university life. Me being a more mature student and a transfer student, I haven't been to excited ab out this week, because I figured it would all be a bunch of 17 year old fresh out of high school. Plus if I want to meet people, i will. And i also commute, so I have lots of friends at home and wont' see everyone as often anyway. Plus I have to be there every day before school starts which really does suck up all my time!

So we have a smaller group that's called S.O.S that has about ten people in it that we do most of our activities with. There's been a few things that haven't been so fun or great to do, but for the most part it's been good to meet a lot of cool people and to just hang out. So that's been good I guess. Yesterday we went with another SOS group to white rock for the evening. It was funny because when the two groups met I have to admit that it was one of the most awkward things ever! we both kind of stood there all facing one another and it was complete silence.. haha Good times all round! Oh how I love awkward moments!

Yesterday morning I worked early too and then went straight out to Langley. So I was pretty tired when I got home and am still pretty tired this morning! Tonight me and another girl, Jocelyn who are both commuting from Abbotsford are staying in the dorms for night! I am looking forward to it and thin it will be a lot of fun! Below are some more pictures of our night at white rock! enjoy!

1 comment:

Photography said...

Have fun cuz its the right time :-)