Friday, November 17, 2006

when i gaze out the window...

Every time I look outside or am outside I am baffled and blown away at the incredible beauty of God and His greatness. Wow. The fall here has been beautiful. Here are a few of the shots I took from my balcony the other night (before the torrential rains...)

As I mentioned earlier, we have had a lot of rain lately. There was a fairly big storm here on Wednesday and it was crazy. Being outside with the wind and the rain was intense but reminded me once again of the incredible power of God. The power at our house was out for over 24 hours as well the power at school was out for a couple days so no school for two days. Amazing how much we depend on power. It was good for me, because it made me stop which is always a good place to be.

Work is good. I have been settling into my new position as front desk manager and loving it. I have had to pick up a fair amount of shifts so I have been working a lot plus school, but I do enjoy it. I am suffering from a slight sleep deprivation after a week of four to five hours of sleep every night, but I think I am almost recovered!

Lately I feel as though I have simply been stuffing my brain with so much information that it now only functions properly in the academic realm. If it is school related, then I will stuff it more. However, if it is everyday social interactions, my brain will not even form proper sentences for me and will draw a blank the moment anyone asks me any question. I wonder what the result of this is.. Perhaps my brain is on overload (is that possible?) or I am mentally shutting my brain off to function in some of my day to day activities.

There is a buy one fish, get two free sale this weekend and I would like to buy more fish, because.. well why not! Then I realize I have not cleaned my tank for some time and fail to properly care for the ones i have presently, so I feel bad at the prospect of getting more fish... we will see what the result of the weekend will be.

As everything in life seems to fall better into place and retain order, I feel this sadness that I cannot explain. I have been trying to figure some stuff out with God of late and sorting through some nasty ungodly beliefs I have about Him that are infiltrating every area of my life. He is faithful through it all.

This is long. I have a day off tomorrow and am very excited for it! Haven't had a day with no school and no work in a long time! Yippee! I shall be busy the entire day and do no schoolwork and then feel bad at the end of it for not having done anything (but I'm sure the feeling will pass... )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Vanessa!
Thanks for commenting and saying, HI on my blog. I ventured onto your blog and quickly figured out who you are. I absolutely love your pictures! They are stunning! I know, I know, its God who created the setting, but you capture the beauty. Thanks for sharing it and reminding all of us of the magnificent creativity (surely there is a better word in our language that captures beauty, creativity, originality, and awe better, but it alludes me right now) of a father who delights over us.

You sound very busy these days! Final exams must be on the horizon soon. I must admit, I enjoy following the lives of former students. There is a certain fascination and delight in watching 14 year olds grow and become the people of God's design; so much change with wonderful outcomes makes for riveting stories. Thanks for letting me be an observer. I'll be praying for you because I get so excited about who you are. You are the first MEI student to write me an encouraging note. You are a person filled with compassion to those less fortunate. You are a dedicated, committed friend (can tell by all smiling faces in your pictures!) You are a patient tutor to those less blessed with academic prowess, and you are a passionate heart exploding for God to work through. More "power" to you, Vanessa!

Enjoy Christmas!