Friday, December 01, 2006

something missing

Recently I have taken note of how I seem to have lost my passion and zeal for the things I believed strong about. It seems that ever since Leon and my dad died, I have simply let things trample me over and I throw out my opinion every once in a while, but I have let myself come to a place of simply floating through life. I am still attempting before God to live my life to the fullest, but I have lost my times of deep ponderings and mulling before the Lord. There's much more to be said here, but I shall leave it at that just to put the surface of my thoughts out there. I need to return to that place once again.

On a completely different note, was back at school on Wednesday. We are still surrounded by snow-an odd occurance here in the Fraser Valley to be sure. And now the weekend begins!! I get to light the advent candle in church on saturday night. I am excited but in the back of my mind I have an image of me falling and burning the church down... Not really a fear I have, just a side thought in my mind for some reason.. haha..

And now the topics of this post could perhaps be covered in an upcoming post when it is not 2am and i have more clarity of thought!


leslie said...

dont worry, if you DO drop the candle, someone will likely trample out the fire before it burns the whole church down. it could be some much-needed comic relief.
probably twice a year im asked to help hand out communion, and i am VERY afraid of spilling 100tiny cups of grape juice all over the floor/a pew/a person/myself/the crackers/etc etc etc!

Anonymous said...

When exactly in the service is the candle lit? I'm supposed to help in KQ for about 20 minutes while we practice for our performance, but I don't want to miss it!

amelia said...

The fear people have of snow out on the west coast makes my Saskatchewan blood laugh!!

timidvenus said...

hi vanessa! its sara rutherford (well, used to be).

nice to see you here!