Friday, January 19, 2007


Lately I have had such a feeling of lightheartedness and it has been wonderful. And I definitely know that it's due to the changes happening in my life! I went away after New Year's for a few days and it was a wonderful time of reflection and evaluating what's going on in my life. I came to realize that I need to make some new priorities!

So to put all of it into action, my first step was stepping down from my management position at work. I was going to be working 32 hours a week and I could have done it with my seven classes at school, but those two things would have taken up all my life and I would have had to sacrifice so many other things just to do those two things. The moment I quit, I felt a huge burden lift and I felt like jumping around. Now I am workingn two days a week, about 15 hours and I am so excited for the change of pace. For the first time in my life, I actually have a fair amount of free time that I am planning on not filling up! Most of my evenings are free and some of my mornings as well!

The next thing on my list has been to get more sleep! I have been running on a state of exhaustion for far too long and it's nice to bring myself to a place of making sleep a priority and seeing how it is important to make my days more full of energy and not so much grumpiness! Along with sleep has been the plan to work out more frequently! I always make lofty goals for myself saying that I will go to the gym 5 days a week, etc and it lasts for about half a week. So this time around, I decided I would make it my goal to go once a week and that has been a wonderful starting place! Plus, then when I go more than once, it's even better!

Another thing that had taken the backburner was my relationship with God which was cause for my focus being completely off and me getting sucked into myself and into a bit of a depression back in December. How easy it is for me to take my eyes off of God and onto my own life, looking at everything through the narrow lens of how it affects me. But there's so much more! I have been thinking about a lot of my habits of late as well. Usually when I come home, I bring all my stuff upstairs and check my email right away, no matter what. Not for any particular reason, but simply because it is what I have done for so long. So I have been thinking that I need to change that habit, to perhaps spending time with God the moment I get home. As I have been changing this slowly and surely, it is amazing how much of a difference it will make in my day!

I have also been shifting my mindset in school. I put far too much emphasis on my marks,w hen thirty years down the road, it won't matter all that much (unless I fail I guess!). So, I have been trying to shift my focus to learning and getting as much out of my classes as I can, because that needs to be my ultimate goal.

So that's a bit of what I have been thinking of lately and working through. More thoughts and pictures to come!

1 comment:

Beck's Bulletin said...

Hi there Vanessa,
I am enjoying a very uncharacteristic, lazy Saturday morning catching up on some long overdue blog-stalking! I really enjoyed reading this post and just wanted to encourage you! You Go Girl!

You are making some excellent choices and in light of eternity, having balance in your life and time for God and yourself is a really good thing!