Sunday, January 21, 2007

Full Weekend

First off, Happy birthday to Carrie!! It was her birthday yesterday and after she got off work, her Sandy and I had a little shindig. This weekend has been full and I have been getting sick, which hasn't been too delightful, but I will survive!!!

My friend and I were having a discussion the other day about going out and serving in other countries. They said they wanted to, but then came to the realization that in a sense it would be running away from life here (in her case, not in every single one). Anyway, I have been pondering it a lot lately and thinking about how I often think that I need to go somewhere and serve, but why can I not be fully serving God right here today? I do in little ways, but why can't my whole life be a service and sacrifice to Him? If I went to a different country, I am sure my life would look completely different. But I wonder what changes I would have to make in my life here to have it look like that more. The question I think is, what comforts is God calling me to sacrifice? Something to think about..

I had to include this picture just because I think it's so much fun! It is from my trip with my cousin a few weeks ago and this was at our first stop along the way: Arby's! If only my hair were so curly.. haha.. mind you, people might start eating my head if my hair was all like that- and that would not be advisable!!


Lovella ♥ said...

Vanessa, glad to hear that you have been able to reprioritize your life and taking care of yourself. It is amazing how our hearts can feel so much lighter when we let go and let God right? It sounds like you have really taken care to be right where God wants you. . . oh and happy birthday to your friend.

leslie said...

i freaking love arbys

Anonymous said...

is that part of your hair, or an earring? Either way, it looks great!

Becky said...

I was pondering what you were saying about going away to serve, or staying, and why we don't see staying as valuable as going. (am I going in circles here?) My opinion, humbly as that may be, is that we are not as purposeful when we are home. We don't start our day with wonder, we start with routine. Most routines were instilled in us even as children, and it is the breaking of routine that allows us to be more aware of the prompting, the insights, the ideas that God wants to plant in our heads. I read a book a couple of years ago, and now read it to my classes for devotions entitled, "Surprise Me God". Its about starting each and every day asking for God to show up in ways that we may not have noticed before. Just slowing down, or going a different route, or stopping to actually talk to someone in the grocery line can present a miriad of ambushes that God has planned for us. Being willing to take risks that pop into our heads, and sharing time with strangers can lead to the most wonderful opportunities of service. It opens our spiritual eyes to enjoy the actual purposes we are to be accomplishing. Perhaps staying home and serving may actually be more rewarding because we would see the long term results of a simple action. Oh, if we all were brave enough to get out of our comfort zone, I wonder what Abby would look like.

Becky said...

Wow, I posted the one above a wee bit too early! Having just read your Jan 19th blog, I feel like I am writing to a convert ~ kind of a waste of breath. Maybe you can take it as confirmation about your changes. I think its great ~ you're great too. Here's to new routines!