Friday, February 09, 2007

Exciting Purchase!

Now you're all thinking I'm a bit strange because I wrote exciting purchase as my title, yet i post a picture of a stapler. haha. well i'm a bit of an organizing freak and I love stapling things together (especially completed assignments!!) My poor little faithful stapler sadly broke last night and so today I set out to the office store in a trek to find a replacement. I got home tonight excited to staple together a paper I had written. I opened the stapler to put in staples and parts went flying everywhere! so much for that idea! haha..

In other exciting purchase news, I bought a new bathing suit today for my trip to barbados along with a couple of tops! The store was having fifty percent off already reduced merchandise so I got some great deals! And I bought about ten highlighters from the office store because once again, I'm slightly strange. So exciting though!


Lovella ♥ said...

There is nothing like a little shopping therapy to round out a week. Better still when you come home with some successful purchases. You need a count down clock for Barbados, I saw that somewhere, pretty funny.

TonyandKaylen said...

Hey as long as you're excited, that's all that matters! :)