Friday, March 23, 2007


I have not posted in a while so I feel the necessity to post, even if I do not have anything to say. Spring is here! And so is the rain and that is something to be excited for! means the grass will be nice and green for the summer and all the flowers will have plenty of water to help with their blooming! I am enjoying the rain, because I think if it was nice outside, I would want to be outside and I need to be inside writing papers (which is not what I am doing right now either...)

Lately I have been a bit overwhelmed thinking of everything I need to do. Why does this happen so easily? It is hard to find time for God, school, friends, working out, family, making good meals, etc. etc. etc. I am realizing there are some more things I am needing to say no to.. So I will work on that (I have a few ideas in place) and will let you know.

Right now I have three papers looming over my head! One is the one on worship, the next is a psych case study and the last one I have no idea what it is about (something about the history of Christianity). All twelve pages and all coming up! So I need to focus and get to the grind on those! The semester is coming to an end soon which is absolutely crazy! It's flown by! And my summer is almost here, and I am super excited! I am taking six classes throughout the summer as well as travelling to Alaska, Calgary, Montreal and the French Polynesian Islands. I'm excited!

I am going snowshoeing again on Sunday up to Grouse Mountain and am excited for that! I think the weather is supposed to be a bit nicer as well. So I will hopefully have some pictures from that! And I hope to find the time this weekend to take some outside pics, we will see! So here is my update on life! Hope all have a good weekend!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Hang in there, Vanessa! It all passes away weither you are ready for it or not. Remember, this is only a short period of your life! 6 summer courses??? Maybe you need somebody to say no for you! That many courses is only allowable if you are not returning in September. Otherwise, you might want to reconsider!