Thursday, March 29, 2007

It's been a while...

All right, so it's been a week since my last post and it seems like millions of things have happened! Right after that post, I left home for school and got a flat tire, therefore missing school and swallowing up my afternoon. The tire was not repairable, so my car sat on my yard with its small measly spare tire for four days with me not being able to drive it! Worked a lot this weekend and had a really rough weekend all in all. I had a really big spiritual breakthrough during the week and I think part of it was being under attack and I had not armed myself for it and therefore fell hard.
Monday I bought four new fish!! Their names are Magnolia, Dexter, Lizzy and Garfield. Photos will be posted soon! Soon after being the fish, my friend and I who had gone out for dinner realized that my trunk would not open, and so all of our stuff was stuck in the trunk!! (the fish weren't in the trunk luckily.. haha). Anyway, so it was official that my trunk was broken. Today (thursday) i finally got it fixed which was good. Today I also bought a mountain bike! Yay! I'm pretty excited to start mountain biking and for being outside. There's a mountain biking clinic starting up at work so I'm going to join that and am looking forward to it!

Lots else has been going on but that is all I feel like saying for now. So there's my update which simply gives you a sneakpeak into my week!


Arne said...

NIIIIICE work on the bike, V! Looks great!! So you don't like driving around on the spare donut, hey? I flatted a month ago... also not repairable... and had no choie BUT to drive. Mmmm, donuts.

The Lamoureux's said...

What a spiffy bike!
Just stoppin' in to catch up on my blog reading! Looks like you enjoyed your ride. I love going down to Matsqui dyke, its so pretty and peaceful down there.

Talk to you soon