Monday, March 12, 2007

hard at work

So when it is sunday night it is slow, and when I have my camera we get creative! haha.. Today was a great day! Sang in ensemble in church this morning which is always a good time. And then went to work for my eight hour shift. Had some good socializing, some good fun, some work (of course), some good chinese food for dinner and friends come to visit! Sandy came by for a workout (and to bring Rob and I dinner) and then Jocelyn dropped in later and it was so nice just to chat! Made the shift go by faster for sure!
This morning's sermon in church reflected and expounded upon my thoughts from last night. Last night as I was reading in Romans, I was reminded again of how silly we often are in that God has given us these amazing gifts and all we do is take off the wrapping paper and walk away with it. We fail to open the box! The whole gift is Jesus and the wrapping paper is the fact that we get to go to heaven when we die. But what's in the box?!? Power!! Ressurection Power! A power that conquered all the forces of darkness against it and triumphed over death to give us life! We have this power and it has broken the power/hold that sin once had on us. Sin is dead! yet, how often we and try and claw at the coffin of sin, trying to get it open. Why do we so easily fall into the habit of going being stuck in this slave mentality that holds us in bondage to our thinking that we are bound to sin and therefore we ought to simply give into it. No! We have to say yes to God and yes to His incredible gift and walk in that victory. I need to continually remind myself of this. I'm not a slave to sin anymore! Sin is dead and now since my "marriage" to sin is broken, I have been freed to marry Christ! But why oh why do I try to open up that coffin and release the stench of death into my life?


J Zacharias said...

Punkt! It's so fun to hear about your exciting and busy life:) It's great to hear about what God teaches you too. Always an encouragement to me. Thanks for your sweet comments:)

Lovella ♥ said...

Preach it sister. I just love reading how God is working in your life. Your heart to please Christ is infectious. I love it.