Thursday, March 15, 2007


The other night some girls from school and I went to the Canucks game. Even though the lost, we still had a really good time! The pic above is the sad faces that the Canucks lost. :( We did get on the big screen though and danced a bit too, so that was fun! As we were leaving, we had some drunk guys bugging us, and Steph made the mistake of mentioning that she is a Leafs fan.. The guys all around us kept shouting 'We got a leafs fan. We got a leafs fan here.." I thought we were going to get beat up!! haha All in all though it was a lot of fun to just hang out and have a great time!
Today in one of my classes we have started talking about the theories of humanistic psychologists. Most of the time humanism is looked at as a negative word and I understand the connotations behind that. However, today we were talking about our tendency to look at the negative rather than the positive. However, as God's creation, we all certainly do have good within ourselves. We looked at an excerpt from Alice in Wonderland, where the Mad Hatter talks about how it's funny that we look at our negative points and our mistakes in order to improve. Instead, they look at their good points and the achievements/successes they have had, practice those and become better people. Makes sense.. Why do we focus on the mistakes and fixate our thinking on that? Seems as though it's not going to help the problem.
We filled out a chart looking at certain achievements and successes we have had and later talked about them in groups and it was tough. For some reason, we stop ourselves from sharing our successes with other people. It is thought as though we are bragging or are proud. But why can we not share these things with one another? I think it's important to celebrate those things! Anyway, those are a few of my thoughts. Good reminders for me to look for the good within myself and the good within other people and focus my thoughts on those things.


PeaceLoveandJay said...

steph is cool, and you know why!

Lovella ♥ said...

So glad you had fun at the Canucks game even when they lost. It seems I have two Canuck fans on my link list. You should get together, I can't even imagine the fun around you then.

Good points on the class you had. I often squirm when given a compliment. We don't know what to do with that do we?

Kristen Hamilton said...

Boy Vanessa, Chuck sure got you thinkin. Good on you - you have a lot to be proud of ... more than you give yourself credit for!!
love kristen

leslie said...


these are good thoughts you share - it is hard, and somehow unnatural, to fixate too much on the good. or maybe sometimes it is easy, but then i feel guilty.

Becky said...

I think it is with ease and social acceptance that focusing on our failures is a natural thing to do. Every one has failures, most people are average, and we all can relate to the feelings that accompany these postitions. Its when we sit with greatness, with success, that we feel awkward. Our social rules tell us not to make others feel less important, not to put them in postitions of feeling inadequate. Because of this, we have few opportunities to share our own victories, and respond to others' truimphs. I would love to boast about my own kids' amazing talents, and achievements, but I know that there are other parents with heartbreaking stories who don't need to hear about "how easy it is for me" (or at least from their view it may be perceived that way). Long and short is that Satan would love us all to be bound up in the negative, focusing on our guilt, and failure. By thinking that others would view us as bragards keeps us in that very place. I think we should all post one blog of our successes so we can be glad for one another, rejoicing with each other, and "look at their good points and the achievements/successes they have had, practice those and become better people." Sounds good, Vanessa. You start! :)