Sunday, March 18, 2007


To understand this post, you will have to read the previous one along with the comments! Becky suggested we all put up a post listing some successes so that we can all celebrate them together! I think it is a great idea (except for the part about me starting!) So funny, because even now I'm thinking I can't possibly post good things about myself, because people will think me arrogant, etc etc.. So here I go! Yay for celebrating the good things in our lives and the things we are good at and have worked hard at! So I will encourage you if you are reading this to do the same on your blog!

Some recent successes/achievements:
-Sang on church worship team this weekend
-At work this weekend, I have known most of the people's names and been able to strike up conversations with most of them
-Got 94% on my social psych midterm
-Wrote my social psych paper a week early!
-Was bold with a "confrontation" that needed to happen in a relationship
-Said no to a new project (which is super hard for me to do)
-Worked out four times this week!
-Made someone else smile

So there's a few of mine for this weekend!! Looking forward to hearing some of yours and celebrating with you!


Lovella ♥ said...

. . and in addition to all those wonderful things you made your blog look even more attractive and you were kind enough to think to post a comment on someone elses blog.
Way to go, Vanessa, I celebrate your accomplishments.

Becky said...

Yikes, Vanessa, you have thrown down the gauntlet with anticipation of us responding. Like you say, once you start to think along these lines of positives one possesses, it gets a bit unnerving to actually say them outloud. Know that I'm sleeping on this one, and tomorrow's post will definately be with you in mind!

Also, your list is far too modest! Congratulations on completing your essay early ~ takes self-discipline to do that! ~ and for the his score on your social psych midterm. That is not an easy feat especially considering you were playing in the warm southern waters last month! Well done!!