Saturday, March 10, 2007


Well, just got home from work and every time I am there I realize how incredibly thankful I am for that job. Some things annoy me incredibly, but what job doesn't have that! I love being in a place where my job is to talk to people and make them feel welcome. What an incredible blessing! I always leave so thankful for the people that I get to interact with daily and the blessing they are in my life!

Now i am working on a presentation for my Psych of religion class. Three of us are doing a 75 minute presentation (ouch!) on looking at the psychology of worship. My portion of it that I decided to look into is: Worship: Spiritual facilitation or manipulation? Interesting to look at for sure. I am coming to the conclusion that both exist and it is a fine line. It has been interesting to look at the purpose of doing certain things in worship and it has been interesting to see how our physiology relates so closely to the experience of worship as well. We are definitely fearfully and wonderfully made! Anyway, back to my research, but just wanted to put a post up so that those who actually check the blog can read something. :) (and all you blog stalkers really should make a comment and make yourself known!)


Lovella ♥ said...

That sounds really deep and interesting. I'm going to give that some thought. Glad to hear that you still have a moment to throw us a crumb or two so we know you are surviving school. Thanks for doing that. I appreciate the effort.

Carrie said...

hah don't worry vanessa I'm not a blog stalker- not in the way you mean anyways! :) I really want to hear on what you researched with that topic- that is something I've always been so curious about. I know our bodies respond in such specific ways to music, and so I've often wondered on how how legitimate these "spiritual" experiences are. Yeah- we need to chat! I'd love to read some of the articles you found!

Anonymous said...

good job vanessa...your going to rock that pree-sentation! good luck with all your researchin!!

Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

Worship as manipulation is an interesting topic. I've read articles about how many organizations such as Amway and Japanese businesses use singing songs collectively to make groups feel connected and "teamed". As a visual artist I always wondered why it was the musical arts that were used predominately in worship while in the Old Testament there was such detail put into the visual aspects of the Temple and the Tabernacle, with each element providing a visual prompt to the corporate experience.
Turns out it is easier to just drop your mouth open and sing than to look and think.
I'm always thankful when worship includes audio, visual and kinetic experience as expression medium.