Tuesday, April 03, 2007

walking in a winter wonderland...

When I saw the scene of the blue sky, spotted snow and the house on the hill with the fence in front.. I just had to take a picture to capture the moment. interesting.

Last night I read on the weather forecast there was supposed to be 1cm of snow. When I awoke this morning, there was far more than 1 cm!! I was shocked, but it truly was lovely! The roads were fine and so while driving I could enjoy the beauty of it all blanketing its beauty over everything it touched! Wonderful!

When I was younger, I absolutely loved the snow and got giddy and excited every time I saw it. I scoffed when I heard adults who hated it and would always complain about it. Now it seems that I have turned into that which I was astonished at when I was younger.. How could anyone actually hate the snow? The beauty of it, the awe and wonder of it... Yet I have lost sight of the magic and have allowed myself to get swept away in the "miserableness" of something that was once wonderful.

I think of this not only in regards to snow, but also to different things in life. I need to go back to that child's view of the things around me. I have been reading my journals from when I was younger (I always like to read the corresponding date to today) and I am blown away by how I was as a 12 year old. I am inspired and encouraged by reading words I wrote. I need to go back to that place of wonder, awe and trust.

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