Thursday, May 17, 2007

Not for the Faint of Stomach

First of all, my sincere apologies for the lack of posting!! Don't stop checking the blog though, because it's summer now and lots of fun pictures are to come!! I have been taking two three week classes that have been taking up most of my time and the last exam is tomorrow! So I will have a lot more free time to post exciting things (like below).

So, if you have a sensitive stomach, I encourage you not to read on.. haha

Cheryl and I were opening the pool for a nice little swim. As we were opening it, I smelled something gross and we were wondering why the wind suddenly picked up that stench. Suddenly the pool cover was off totally, and there was this giant, bloated possom floating in the pool, limbs outstretched. We both screamed a little and gagged at the horrible horrible smell.

Now, I have to say that I can handle a lot of things, but I do not think my gag reflex has worked as much as it did today... We decided it would be a fine idea to wrap towels around our mouths to counter the smell.
We took two giant sticks to try and take him out of the pool and instead he flipped over, revealing his jaw, and his half desindegrated body.. green stuff started oozing out of him as well. GROSS!!!! Finally we decided it would be best to swoop a garbage bag in the water (with our sticks of course) and push him in. We got him mostly in and then i held the bag in the pool (taking in the worst smell i have ever smelled) while Cheryl went and retrieved the wheelbarrow. We put our stinky little friend (who had most likely been in the pool for over 24 hours) in the wheelbarrow and wheeled him far out to the field. As I was pushing the wheelbarrow, I was getting a nice waft of our little friend's scent which was just lovely. The wheelbarrow could not go far in the field, so I picked up the bag and started walking with it and the overflow water dripped all over my feet (SICK!) So we left our friend in the field.. dumped him out of the triple bagged garbage bags and left some dinner for the coyotes.

Sigh. who knew that swimming could be so much fun?


Anonymous said...

that is thoroughly the sickest thing i have ever heard/seen. the possums in NZ were pretty sick, but they were dead on the side of the road, not in the pool. (although the boys DID tie one to our door one time...ha..ha...funny boys....)

Lovella ♥ said...

possum grits anyone?
Yikes. You girls are not pansies that's for sure.

You could be farmers.

Nathan and Melissa said...

NASTY! Sounds like you ladies had quite the adventure! I'm glad it was you and not me! :) Have a great long weekend.

Theresa said...

EWWWWW! You weren't kidding! I really did not want to come over for a swim this afternoon! As great as it could have been, trust me, I will wait!!!

Yvonne said...

That's disgusting - kudos to you for cleaning it out yourself though. I would not have been that brave.(yay for having only on exam left!)

Chrys said...

I was telling everyone at work about this, and they were very grossed out. Great fun :) We need to hang out again. Maybe I'll see you at church on Saturday?

kelly ens said...

OH MY WORD!!! i can't believe you took pictures of it!! EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! as i was reading, i was already feeling grossed out (i HATE possums), but then the pictures! i don't think i've scrolled so fast. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!