Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas Party and Last Exam

I decided that since I have a lot of catching up to do, I would just do a lot of posts!! So now I'm back tracking to a couple weeks ago, when I had a Christmas/birthday get together with a bunch of friends at my house! We ate lots of good food and played some great games! I was reminded once again of what an amazing drawer I am in Pictionary. haha.. My team was absolutely amazing. (okay we weren't the best at drawing, but we had a lot of fun!!)

John Mark and I

Kacey and Alex

Chris, Heidi and Kristen. I think Kristen schooled Chris in foosball quite a few times..

Chrystal, Brooke and Kacey

The next day I met my friends Sarah, Megan and Alex for breakfast at IHOP. It was great to hang out before the holidays and Alex was out from the island so it was good to see her too!

Alex and I

After breakfast, i went to school to study for my last exam. We met at a coffee shop first and then were in the school cafeteria. I must say that we really didn't study much. Or I didn't at least. hehe.. I'm not the best person to study in groups because I distract and want to do anything but study. So we hung out that afternoon and then wrote the last exam! huzzah!! up top is a pic of amy and kristen doing practice quizzes online.

kristen and I

Dan decided he would do an impersonation of one of the guys in our textbook. Took a while to get the head angle right! But I think he got it in the end!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Vanessa, I love the way you portray your relationships with pictures! You have a vast array of friendships which really must be a treasure to you ~ great Christmas gift to yourself, and them too! Looks like fun! Enjoy your well deserved break. When do you go back to the grind of books, profs, and exams? Sorry to have mentioned that! Have a wonderful new year with all that God has in store for you.